Chiropractic Clinic
7 Foods That Are Super Healthy and Tasty

You can only sit and wonder which foods are the healthiest for you, right?

Well, here’s the thing: there are many foods on the planet that are both tasty and healthy. So, by filling your plate with quality protein, vegetables, fruits, and other whole foods, you’ll have before you meals that are both versatile and colorful.

Here are 7 super healthy foods. But, of course, most of these foods are incredibly delicious as well.

1. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a kind of fermented cabbage. It has immense health benefits. Sauerkraut is believed to have originated over 2,000 years ago in China. Back then, fermentation was a primary method of food preservation (1).

This fermented cabbage survived the test of time and became a well-known condiment and side dish in many cultures. It is most appreciated in Germany, where its name originates.

The health benefits and nutrition offered by sauerkraut are far beyond that provided by fresh cabbage, all due to the fermentation it undergoes.

Sauerkraut is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber (2). It also contains probiotics that enhance the absorption of these nutrients (34), making it more nutritious than coleslaw or raw cabbage.

Other top benefits of sauerkraut include:

· It is high in vitamin C, K2, and U

· It is high in lactic acid

· It contains a lot of phytonutrients

2. Arugula

Arugula is a peppery green with a distinctive taste. It is believed to have originated from the Mediterranean region. Other names by which it is identified include salad rocket, rucola, and Italian cress. Arugula is a member of the Cruciferous or Brassica family. This classification contains cruciferous primarily vegetables, such as kale, sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower.

The popularity of Arugula has much to do with its health benefits as its taste. A particular study (5) cites arugula as having very potent anti-cancer properties.

This green is nutrient-dense and high in phytochemicals and fiber. It is low in calories, sugar, fat, and carbohydrates.

3. Salmon (wild-caught)

Salmon is an oily fish that is incredibly popular due to its great taste and high nutrient content, including omega-3 fatty acids and protein. It also contains vitamin D.

Salmon is very healthy and nutritious. It is especially rich in iodine and omega-3 fatty acids, two nutrients with a high deficiency rate among most people.

Studies have shown that people who eat salmon and other seafood tend to live longer and have a very low risk of many illnesses, such as dementia, heart disease, and depression (678)


4. Cod liver (wild-caught)

Cod liver oil is a kind of fish oil supplement. Like regular fish oil, cod liver fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which has plenty of health benefits, including reduced blood pressure and inflammation (910).

It also contains vitamins A and vitamins D. Both vitamins provide health benefits such as maintaining healthy eyes, skin, and brain function (1112).

5. Hamburger (grass-fed, fatty, and organic)

Hamburger has a fat to protein ratio of 2:1. There is a huge difference between a grass-fed, organic hamburger versus a cheeseburger you get at a fast-food restaurant. The top benefits of hamburgers include:

· It is easy to digest

· It is high in creatine and carnosine

· It is high in phosphorus, zinc, selenium, vitamins B12, B5, B3, B2, and B6.

· It is also a good source of amino acids and iron

· It is also low on the insulin index

6. Pecans

Pecans are mild nuts widely used for making pies, cakes, grain dishes, and salads.

An ounce of pecans (28 grams) provides the following (13):

· 201 calories

· 21 grams of fat

· 3 grams of protein

· 13% of the daily value of zinc

· 3 grams of fiber

· 4 grams of carbs

· 48% of the daily value of manganese

· 11% of the daily value of vitamin B1

Like other nuts, pecans are also enriched with fiber, healthy fats, minerals, and vitamins. In addition, they are an excellent source of zinc, which is involved in immune function, DNA synthesis, growth, and development (14).

Some studies have also suggested that pecans have heart-healthy benefits. For example, an 8-week study involving 56 people at risk of heart disease found that eating pecans daily caused a significant reduction in LDL (bad) cholesterol level and triglyceride level, compared with the control group (15).

7. Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is a healthy vegetable oil — one of the most beneficial you can find. It contains monounsaturated fats and antioxidants with very potent health benefits.


When you want to change your meals or overhaul your diet, adding a couple of these foods to your diet is effortless.

Most of these foods are excellent snacks and are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins. Some enhance weight loss as well.

If you’re not used to challenging your palate, brave up and try something new. You’ll be glad you did.

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